Refund Policy
1. About our refund Policy
1.1 Customer Service
Thanks for taking the time to read our refund policy (Policy), we are Bold Baby Ltd ABN 32 727 287 035 (Bold Baby, we, our, us and other similar terms). Your satisfaction with the goods we sell is really important to us, which is why we have taken the time to prepare this Policy. It sets out your rights to a refund for goods you purchase from our website.
Please consider our Policy prior to making a purchase. If you have any questions, or customer service matters you would like us to address, contact us via the details set out at the end of this Policy.
1.2 The Australian Consumer Law
The goods you purchase via our website come with guarantees conferred by the Australian Consumer Law. Nothing in our refund policy is intended to deny you those rights.
2. When we provide refunds
2.1 If the goods do not meet the description on our website
Sometimes errors occur during manufacture, when being packed or elsewhere along supply chains. If the goods do not meet the description on our website, we will replace the goods or refund the money, whichever you prefer.
2.2 If the goods are unsafe
If you find the goods are unsafe for their intended use, then please do not use them and contact us as soon as possible. We would be deeply concerned about this, and we want to know about it as soon as possible.
If the goods are unsafe for their intended use, we will replace the goods or refund the money, whichever you prefer.
2.3 If the Goods do not do what we said they would do
We stand by the representations we make on our website and if the goods do not do what we said they would do we will replace the goods or refund the money, whichever you prefer. However, just because someone on YouTube said it would do that doesn’t mean we agree, so please consider how we describe the purpose of the goods on our website.
Of course, if the manufacturer promised it would do something which it does not do, we would like to hear about that also. We don’t want our customers to be, nor do we want to be, misled.
2.4 Other major problem with the goods
Where there is another major problem with the goods as defined in the Australian Consumer Law, we will replace the goods or refund the money, whichever you prefer.
2.5 Anything else
If there are any other problems not referred to here, please contact customer support and we will individually assess your concern.
3. When we do not provide refunds
3.1 Change of mind
There is no obligation to provide a refund or replacement of the goods you purchase merely because you change your mind.
Given the nature and methods by which we sell the goods we cannot provide a refund simply because you change your mind. So, please choose carefully.
Similarly, we do not provide refunds simply because you find the goods cheaper elsewhere.
3.2 Misuse
We do not provide refunds if you misused the goods and that misuse caused the problem or otherwise damaged the goods.
3.3 Anything else
If there is an eventuality not otherwise set out in this Policy, then we would refer to the rights and remedies available under the Australian Consumer Law.
4. Damaged goods and delivery problems
If goods arrive damaged, please contact us as soon as possible. We will provide you with further instructions.
Any product which you say was damaged during delivery must be returned to us in the condition in which you received it.
5. Contacting Us
You can contact us by:
(a) email at; or
(b) post at Ground Floor, 470 St. Kilda Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004, Australia.
We aim to respond to any queries or requests for refunds within 7 days of having received them.